Tag Archives: CPS Norway

Barnevernet – the child protection service (CPS) – should not be given more responsibility

Stop Killl Families

By Arne Seland

This article was originally published in Norwegian in the newspaper Dagbladet on 12 July 2013
It is published here in English by the generous consent of the author.
Translation: Marianne Haslev Skånland

At the time of the publication in Norwegian, the Ministry of child and family affairs was under the leadership of Inga Marte Thorkildsen from the Socialist Left Party (SV). Continue reading Barnevernet – the child protection service (CPS) – should not be given more responsibility

Și-a dat demisia Directoarea de la Barnevernet din Tromso, unde locuiește familia Nan

Elizabeth Kræmer

Directoarea de la barnevernet Tromso, Enhetsleder Elizabeth Kræmer

Traducerea:  AGNUS DEI

Directoarea de la barnevernet din orasul Tromso, Enhetsleder Elizabeth Kræmer, si-a dat demisia în urma cu 2 saptamani impreuna cu alți angajati în urma neregulilor si acuzatiilor aduse protectiei copilului din Tromso. Continue reading Și-a dat demisia Directoarea de la Barnevernet din Tromso, unde locuiește familia Nan

Norwegian CPS investigated for criminal actions

Stpo Barnevernet

I managed to catch Barnevernet on their lies and contradictions. After an unusual experience some years ago, I was put on a mission to do what I have done. On the 9th of November 2015, the police in Kongsberg, the town in Norway where these crimes had been committed, opened an investigation. Continue reading Norwegian CPS investigated for criminal actions

Norway’s child protection services do whatever they want to helpless children

44841“You will never see your mother again,” officers of Norwegian child protection agencies (barnevern) told a 13-year-old boy when they were taking him away from his home. The boy is currently living with a foster family. His biggest dream now is to get back to his mother as soon as possible. Seeking help, the boy wrote several emails to the Russian embassy, in which he told his story.

Pravda.Ru has published several articles about the fate of Irina Bergseth (maiden name Frolova), a Norway-based Russian citizen. The woman accused her Norwegian husband of committing sex crimes against their common four-year-old son. Continue reading Norway’s child protection services do whatever they want to helpless children


Embassy makes gross bluff about Norwegian child protection

Norwegian politician criticizes Barnevernet in the Prague Post

Jan Simonsen

Mr. Jan Simonsen, a personal friend of EAL Convenor Jan-Aage Torp since 1999, was a member of Stortinget (Norway´s Parliament) for 16 years, as well as a member of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights in the Council of Europe. Simonsen has sent us this article for re-publication. It was first published in the Prague Post on January 8th.

Norwegian politician criticizes Barnevernet in the Prague PostJan Simonsen and Jan-Aage Torp together at Jan-Aage´s 50th birthday celebration (photo credits: Tor H. Lanton)The Norwegian Embassy in Bucharest has published a fairly long statement about the Norwegian Child Welfare Services (Barnevernet) on its webpage.

It’s probably the same information other Norwegian embassies spread to various countries, including the Czech Republic.

This statement is inaccurate and in part downright untrue. It is aimed at showing a rosy picture of a system which is felt by thousands of Norwegians as abusive and has triggered large demonstrations not only in Bucharest and other European capitals but in Norway too. Continue reading NORWEGIAN POLITICIAN CRITICIZES BARNEVERNET IN THE PRAGUE POST